Health check

Supporting thousands of people to make lasting change

Our communities, workplaces and families are more resilient and happier when they’re healthier. But no one way works for everyone, and gimmicks don’t last for long. So how can we help those around us stay fit and healthy?

Since 2015, we’ve been researching this question and developing powerful health services based on our findings. Combining clinical expertise, behavioural change techniques and a personalised approach, we’ve made a difference in hundreds of thousands of peoples’ lives.

We’d love to share what works with you.

Our expertise

Inspiring people to adopt healthy behaviours and helping them sustain them.

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Our approach

We blend clinical expertise with bespoke services.

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Our impact

It works - we’re proud of our results and success stories.

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Making a real difference

People have benefited from our services
Said we helped improve their diet and habits
Stopped smoking for good
Lost 3% of their body weight
Improved their levels of physical activity
Total kg weight lost